Cirrus Vol 2
Pyramid: High Resolution Surround, Binaural HD Audio Tracks information and recording process
This track started with a panning modular Buchla sequence. The sequence reminded me of a "shredding" guitar kind of riff, only randonmized. I then combined it with some backwards analog tape loops, and then added some industrial type of live drums as the basis for the groove. With the piccolo snare pitched very high it helped to create the anvil like quality as the backbeat. I then added some hand percussion to help propel the groove and also used a secondary mono drum kit to supplement some snare accents and drum fills. There's a wigglie synth in background creating a distant melody. The left hand upright piano and low synth bass double helps create a toughness quality to the track. The end transitions to a reverse sequence with a spacey pad to fade out on.
The Binaural mix was created by capturing the stereo output of the studio control monitors from the analog output of the API Vision console using a Neumann KU100 Binaural microphone. The Binaural mix is intended to be listened to in headphones.
back to topReminscence: 6/8 Synth sequence with syncopated pulse rhythms. Recorded at 48k 24bit
Reminscence starts with a Prophet 6 sequence panning through the 5.1 field. It includes a sycopated percussive pulse provided by the Buchla 200e that interacts with the sparse and aggressive mono drum kit beat. Transitions to a reflective and emotive piano and strings in the outro. The track has an uplifing and positive feeling that conjures up a feeling of nostalgia.
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